Permanent Cosmetics

Day 1

When you leave the studio, you will have a barrier cream applied to your brows by your technician. This needs to stay on the remainder of the day. Hourly, you will need to dab at your brows very gently with a q-tip in order to keep lymph fluids from building up too thick on your brows. No wiping, scrubbing, or touching with anything besides a fresh clean q-tip every time. For the rest of the day, this is all you will do to your brows.

Day 2-3

Beginning on day two you may gently and very carefully wash your brows with warm water, a gentle soap with your fingertips. Gently wet your brow area, place a dot of soap on your finger tips and lather on your fingers. Then gently wash the brow area for a few seconds. Rinse fingers then use fingers to rinse brows with warm water and pat dry with cotton swabs or a fresh clean hand towel. Do not apply any aftercare product during these days.

Day 4-21

Continue the same wash routine every morning during these days, but now gently wet your brow area, place a dot of soap on your finger tips and lather on your fingers. Then gently wash the brow area for a few seconds. Rinse fingers then use fingers to rise brows with warm water and pat dry with cotton swabs or a fresh clean hand towel. Wait about 10-15 minutes after patting dry to apply a VERY thin layer of grape seed oil. Oil is to be applied only once a day after cleansing brows, with a a q-tip or freshly washed hands and just enough to moisturize, not enough to leave a coating.

BASIC 'What to Expect'

Your brows will get Very dark and large, then very light, then look non existent in some areas. The at the end of your healing process the color will come back lighter than they were at the end of your first procedure. Then at your touchup they will be fine tuned and beautiful again.


Baby them like they’re your newborn. You are spending good, hard earned money on this procedure. Why take any less than absolute perfect care of them?

It is important to know most clients will develop patchy areas or the appearance of fading after the first treatment. This is a two part process and the second procedure will complete the process by layering color and fine tuning the shape.

Your ability to follow aftercare correctly, directly affects the outcome of your brow procedure. Once you leave the studio the care is completely up to you. If you are not properly following your given aftercare, your artist reserves the right to refuse any future service for you.

Failure to follow aftercare treatment may result in infections, pigment loss, or discoloration.

For the first 3 weeks after your procedure

  • No direct sun

  • No heavy sweating

  • No makeup or lotions

  • No picking or scratching

  • No swimming

  • No front face showering

  • No sauna or steam rooms

  • No hot tubs

  • No dyes or tinting

  • No shaving waxing or tweezing

  • No sleeping on your face

For the first 8 weeks after your procedure

  • No Botox or fillers

  • No sun or tanning

  • No facials or peels

  • No exfoliation or scrubbing

  • No electrolysis or hair removal

  • Keep bangs and hair pulled back and off the face

Sub Rosa studios does not have control over your body’s healing process. Healing is specific to each individual but do expect some swelling is normal for all procedures. The area may appear dry, uneven, itchy, tender, red, and irritated. This is all 100% normal. DO NOT PICK. These symptoms will dissipate each day and vary on an individual basis. Color will fade and soften anywhere from 40-60% .

At the touch up appointment faded areas will be fine tuned. It is also important to know you will need a color boost every 1-2 years after the touchup to maintain its fresh natural appearance. You may need to powder and/or pencil over your brows even after the healed results. If you have grey or exceptionally light brow hairs, they will stand out against the pigment coloration implanted. Tinting may be necessary for these situations once your brows have fully healed from the touchup. Remember, this procedure is an enhancement to your natural brows, and a semi permanent one.

Certain medications, illnesses, and medical conditions will require a physicians approval and written clearance. In this case, if this information is not communicated to your artist with enough time to inform you of such, a reschedule will be required to obtain said documents or a cancellation will be issued if the situation calls for it so please be as forward and up front with your artist as possible about your medical conditions. We are not here to judge you. We are here to help you obtain the cosmetic look you want and in the safest way possible.